1. Standards
Our suppliers must meet high standards, all the way from production to delivery. These demanding quality requirements apply along the entire supply chain. This includes the protection of animals, our natural environment and human rights and is supported by generally accepted guidelines and audit systems.
Contractors guarantee that their upstream suppliers also satisfy the specific requirements of this Code of Conduct in uninterrupted supply chains.
2. Quality
Product responsibility is a consistent hallmark of our actions. All our actions follow the requirements resulting from ISO 9001, GMP+ B3 and HACP.
3. Integrity
We require our suppliers to observe the fundamental human rights and relevant national laws. We demand sincerity and fairness in all business activities.
4. Bribery and corruption
We take a clear stance with respect to bribery and corruption: KH Boddin GmbH employees will neither accept bribes and kickbacks, not will they offer them.
We comply with all national and international laws and regulations pertaining to undue benefits for public officers.
5. Social standards
KH Boddin GmbH does not tolerate its suppliers to engage in any form of exploitation such as forced labour or child labour. These standards play a very important role for KH Boddin GmbH. This is why we chose not to work with suppliers or customers who cannot meet these standards.
6. Laws
Applicable national laws and regulations, industrial minimum standards, ILO agreements, UN conventions and all other relevant statutory requirements must be strictly complied with.
7. Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
Alternative options for independent and free organisation and bargaining must be assured in cases or countries where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining are restricted by law.
8. Prohibition of discrimination
Any form of discrimination on the basis of a person’s gender, age, religion, caste, social origin, disablement, ethnic and national origin, nationality, membership in a labour organisation incl. union, political conviction, sexual preference or other personal characteristics will not be tolerated.
9. Wages
Wages paid for regular work hours, overtime and overtime difference must meet or exceed the statutory minimum wage and/or relevant industry standard. Unlawful or unapproved wage deductions are not permitted. If the minimum wage is insufficient to cover the cost of living or does not allow for addition free income, companies are required to pay their employees an adequate wage that meets these requirements.
10. Working hours
Overtime is strictly voluntary. The weekly working time of 48 hours must not be exceeded. Employees have the right to at least one day off work after six consecutive workdays.
11. Health and safety
Clear regulations and processes must apply to the workplace. These must be observed without exception. Work methods and conditions that would contravene human rights are prohibited.
12. Child labour
Any child labour is prohibited. Child labour is defined in the ILO agreements, the UN conventions and national legislation. The most strict and stringent standard is the one to be observed. The exploitation of children in any form is strictly prohibited.
13. Forced labour
We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to forced labour of any kind.
14. Environment and safety
The statutory minimum requirements for the handling of chemicals, waste, hazardous substances, emissions and wastewater as well as their disposal must be observed or exceeded. We promote environmentally friendly products and production processes wherever possible and expedient.
15. Packaging
Because packaging design is an important aspect in the prevention of waste, KH Boddin GmbH requires its supply partners to limit packaging materials to the necessary minimum. The company also supports the increased use of recyclable materials.
16. Cooperation with suppliers
KH Boddin GmbH assists its suppliers in meeting internationally recognised standards by forming cooperation projects with them.